
Wicked Wind

According to the National Weather Service we’re supposed to get high winds toda with gusts up to over 60mph. It already looks like we’ve got gusts over 40mph via this link to the Mauna Lani weather station. And if you look at the Puako live video feed on this link it looks like it’s blowing […]


Bossy Flossie

For friends and family in Hawaii be prepared as Hurricane Flossie is on the way and she’s a big one, a category 4 hurricane with 135mph winds. Right now it’s scheduled to track south of the Big Island but from the path it will create some huge ocean surge for the islands, especially the Big […]


Cellphone Crossroads

Okay, my Verizon Wireless contract is up in 10 days. The question is, do I dump VZW and jump onto the iPhone bandwagon or should I get the Palm Treo 755p when that comes out (could be the next few weeks or next few months when it’s released). The Treo has many more features and […]