Chula relaxes at Bubba Gumps where we spent Friday after work having drinks and pupu (appetizers/hors d’oeuvres).
Brian performs damage control after knocking over a pint of beer. We could have just applied the five-second rule and just given Brian a straw to clean it up.
Travis Gump. I’ll let you supply an appropriate caption via the comments link.
Joe Gump
After Bubba Gumps the gang trekked over to Durty Jake’s. Joe displays a proper ‘shaka’ sign, note that the knuckles face the person receiving the shaka. It’s means ‘hang-loose’, ‘right-on’ and other similar connotations. Brian checks out sports on a TV set, probably going through withdrawal since he isn’t the Sports Editor anymore.
Peggy and Travis are either: Watching a game on TV or contemplating Chula and Carly’s request to move the action up to Lulu’s.