
Yepp, another mp3 player

While on vacation I picked-up this tiny MP3 player, the Samsung Yepp player. Actually it’s more than a player, (geek-speak ahead) it can also encode line-in audio straight to mp3 up to 128 bit encoding. It also has a built-in mic that records to .WAV format and has an FM tuner which can have audio encoded to mp3 in the unit. This thing has more record features than play features. It runs a long time on just one AAA battery, and has better sound than my Apple iPod.

I got this thing to take audio notes and to record some FM radio programs to listen to later. Oh yeah, it also acts as a USB keychain drive so I can use it to transfer files around, another good reason to carry it around. It’s like a Swiss Army Knife of mp3 players. I got the idea from Adam Curry on one of his Podcasts where he needed something with good quality and reliability to record his Podcast program, he does it on this little thing.

Sure the iPod has much more storage space, can play back content but this player is great. I’d almost consider selling my iPod but I like listening to books and at 256MB this tiny player doesn’t have enough space. The only other issue with this player is that you need very good vision, the screen is tiny.

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