Friday night I finally got to Melanie’s party at 10pm, it started at 5pm, after messing with all those computers. Lucky for me the die-hard partygoers were still there along with some food like this sushi platter. Anyone who knows me can figure out that I will leave any raw fish stuff alone. So from that platter the only thing I ate was the sushi with the scrambled egg on it. I know, folks always ask me “what kinda Japanee are you, you no eat raw fish?” My family owns a resturant, Sekiya’s, and yes they do serve raw fish there but I never aquired a taste for it and at the price of good ahi my family never encouraged me to eat it, “more for the rest of us, don’t eat any.” So the party platters of sashimi, sushi with raw fish, tako and shrimp cocktail went untouched by me (I know shrimp cocktail isn’t raw but I don’t dig on it). Yes, I don’t even eat poke or lomi lomi salmon. And although I don’t care for poi, I love steamed taro.
Here’s Katie, left, high-fiving Caroline after sinking a shot during a game of 8-ball. I was teamed-up with Danielle and our opponent’s celebration was short-lived. We ended up winning the game with Danielle sinking the winning 8-ball. With food, booze, music and a pool table available the billiards went on until about 3 a.m. then I had to finally call it a night as everyone else went home and I had to get up for work in a few hours. The Okolehao I brought to the party went over quite well as we emptied the bottle. I’m not much of a beer fan and don’t drink that much but Okolehao over ice, though kinda sweet, is pretty smooth going down.
A fun gathering and I won a few pool games, okay I lost the last one to Caroline when I scratched shooting in the 9-ball…duh. I made some hummus for the party but the garlic was pretty strong since it was pretty fresh made so I brought it to work the next day. That’s it for the party night.