
A Hui Hou (Until We Meet Again)

Abbie and Johnnie on their last night in Hawaii before jetting off to the mainland and eventually getting to Arizona. I didn’t take many photos as there were too many drinks, food and talking-story to busy ourselves.

Melinda imparting a few words of wisdom for Abbie or maybe she was just explaining how to make deviled eggs.

Another photo of Johnnie and Abbie. Didn’t manage to get photos of Sophie or Matt as they socialized around Patti’s house. They were here just a year but they will definitely be missed by everyone.

Here’s Sophie’s version of the rain outside as drawn on my Palm PDA. Originally we were supposed to be all relaxing on the lawn but the rain changed plans a bit.

Then Sophie and I both drew cats on the PDA. Any guesses as to who drew what? I think she said her cat is named Ralph and of course my cat is Dominator (or Dom for short).

Okay, Melinda proved me wrong, she did figure-out how to use my Nikon CoolPix camera. Actually I meant that I didn’t think she would figure-out how to delete photos taken as my Nikon is a much more complicated than it needs to be camera.

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