My walking/running team has gotten a shake-up as two replacement members have come in this second week of the challenge and our team captain is on the bench as she nurses a back injury.
So I thought some bribery was in order to motivate. I’m donating the Senseo coffee machine I got to be a prize for the top mileage person on our team, sorry other teams you gotta find your own bribes. Locally this thing costs over $50 so it’s a pretty good prize and of course it is totally possible that I may win it myself. Brand spankin’ new in racing red of course.
Personally I like to buy coffee pods from and you gotta love their name. Although more expensive than the normal coffee pods the coffee is pretty darn good as I use the ESE pods in my cappuccino machine. Hey, it’s still cheaper than going to $tarBucks.
Now if I can just find the time to put in the miles as my work sked doesn’t always agree.