
Getting a fix from a junkie

I know Brian will get into the mood and buy stuff like a first edition of The Curse of Lono by Hunter S. Thompson but I’ve never really been a collector. Sure, I’ve got a 1959 Canon Canonflex camera (Canon’s original SLR) from my dad and a Canon half-frame pocket camera but that’s about it as far as collectible stuff goes.

Well, I stumbled across an artist’s blog who does some really great artwork.
Process Junkie

Alberto Ruiz actually has two blogs, one being Process Junkie and the other being his sketchbook site Scribblettes. I then noticed that he has a bookstore where he sells not just books of his art but also original sketches too. So I decided to order the book WYAHANGA and an original sketch. Alberto’s wife recently had some medical issues to take care of so I thought it would also be a good way to contribute.

Now it’s a total crapshoot of what sketch you will receive but I think I did pretty well as he sent me the original sketch below.
Maybe this sketch will appear in (Veinte Mujeres Con) PISTOLAS Alberto’s new high quality sketchbook (twenty women with pistols).

Very cool, plus I also got an autographed print of artwork by Alberto colored by Joe Pekar
Polynesian Girl
These guys rock. So if you like the artwork take a look for yourself via the links in this post.

2 replies on “Getting a fix from a junkie”

Cool stuff. Too bad I didn't have these types of drawings around in junior high school – I could have made a lot of money.

Well, if you drew these kinds of pictures in junior high school I would be interested to know who was posing for you.

Still got the sketchbook and more goodies on the way to me.

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