I didn’t take many photos this night. You really needed a 10 and some Alien Bees. So staffers and even some ex-staffers and friends came out for my farewell get-together. Okay, the food and brew probably would have had them enjoying the night anyway but at least my escape from the paper stood as a good excuse.
It was fitting that this was held at the Kona Brew Pub since it’s the property where I started work for WHT 18 years ago. The newsroom, production, advertising, business and administration offices were next door in the building which houses Firestone. The Brew Pub building was WHT’s printing press building back then. I think most would agree that it’s a much better use for the building.
Who knows, maybe one day when everything goes digital they can turn the current pressroom into another Brew Pub. That would sure make it convenient for employees, though OSHA might not like it.
2 replies on “– 30 –”
That pizza in the first photograph looks a little burnt; I bet you had fun eating the crusts on that.
Wow. It would've been great to have been there and see everybody. If you would've been a true friend, you would've used some of your compensation to fly me out for the weekend. Some buddy you are …
Seriously, welcome back to the world of ethics. Although your future is uncertain, you'll sleep better at night.