
Human-proof packaging

It always makes me wonder what kind of sick, twisted, sadistic person working in the packaging design department of companies so that it’s as difficult as possible for the consumer to get at their products. Took quite awhile for me to get my batteries out of this packaging. This ranks right up there with those […]

hardware journalism software videos

We’ll do it live!

I’ve broadcast most of these community lava meetings live from Pahoa via Ustream and our website at It’s a juggling act of equipment and resources to do this live broadcast. The main problem is getting an Internet connection to send out a live video stream. The school’s network is no-good as it’s firewalled preventing […]

blogs reviews software wordpress


I ran an ‘optimization utility’ today on this blog, it seemed to go fine in the WordPress Dashboard but then I visited the website and *poof* the entire site of posts, pages, comments and links were gone. It was almost like a brand new WordPress site install.