As you can see the quality of my blog photos has taken a hit, I’ve been using my cellphone camera for photos. I sent my Nikon CoolPix 4500 in for service about a month ago to Nikon in California. I haven’t heard from them since. I sent it off securely packed, with the camera inside a plastic bag with the service form I downloaded from their site, encased in styrofoam peanuts. I also insured it at the Post Office. Their website is no help as you need a service number for inquiries, they give you one once they get the camera in for service. I’ve sent in emails and when calling their phone number it’s an endless wait on the phone. I’m getting pretty discouraged with Nikon.
I may just buy a new camera, then sell my CoolPix 4500 when it does finally get back from service, or when I get the insurance money.
No wonder the rest of my camera gear is made by Canon .