The morning after the show who do we find getting some coffee but Rick Nielsen along with his lovely wife, not pictured. That’s Glennon and myself hanging with Rick. Very cool cat, wacky, witty, quick and self-professed Macintosh geek. He loves his two 17″ Powerbooks and other Mac gear, of course of ton of that being music software and hardware. For those going to MacWorld in San Francisco this month you’ll probably see him there so he says.
Mike gets a photo with Rick and a perfect shaka. A nice time chatting with Rick and his wife and Nielsen was right, we should have brought our regular SLR cameras to the show to get some good shots. Hopefully they’ll enjoy their stay on the Big Island and come back again.
3 replies on “Cheap Trick Cafe”
Kick ass! I didn't know Cheap Trick still had its original band members.
Did Darden get to sing "Surrender" on stage? Did he have his KISS records out?
I think we all sung along to Surrender and Nielsen tossed a KISS record into the crowd (he must have a ton of those things for shows).
Despite being close to 60 Nielsen skips around the stage with his axe, sings and jumps around. He played a different guitar for every song. He reminded us at breakfast the next morning that when he first went to Japan he was already in his 30s. I was looking around the audience trying to figure out if any of the older Japanese gals at the show could possibly have been there at Budokan for that fateful fame propelling show.
Mike was amazed that Robin Zander can still belt out the songs too including the high notes.
I think it's hilarious that you spent your time with Nielson engaging in geek talk!